
Fetch the meaning

If I would like to know what the meaning of search means in English, I moved the cursor to c under search, and press F4. The meaning will popup up under the word, as shown below. I don’t have to switch to a dictionary app and it won’t break my read-flow.


Also, as the echo area shows, the full meaning and also the full sentence will be added to the voca-file.

Here is a real example when I was reading an article.


Export vocabularies by tags

It is useful when you want to group vocabularies and revise them altogether, for example, all the biology terms. You can do it using voca-builder/extract-by-tags function. For example,

(voca-builder/extract-by-tags "Demo")

will export all the vocabularies that are tagged by “Demo” to ~/


Export vocabularies by date

You may also want to export all the new vocbaulary you learnt during one particular period, like a semaster, an academic year using voca-builder/extract-period function. For example

(voca-builder/extract-period "2015-01-05" "2015-04-01")

will export all the vocabularies that are recorded between “2015-01-05” and “2014-04-01”.


Note you can combine these two function together.